Aquatic Training
Text of Cartoon
Sean: As soldiers in my army, you must be able to move quickly on both land and sea!
Sean: Jump into the pond and swim across as fast as you can so I can assess your aquatic skills!
Alvin: How does getting wet advance my plans to become an astronaut?
Alvin: Why should a future spaceman like me require aquatic skills?
Alvin: All I want to do is learn astrophysics and rocket science!
Alvin: I mean seriously. Have you ever seen a photo of Einstein swimming?
Alvin: In order to preserve my intellectual dignity, I refuse to comply with your military demands!
Sean: JUMP!
Sean: Why did I get stuck with such a ‘high-maintenance’ soldier?
Sean: He would’ve been a nightmare to work with on “D-Day”!

SPACE POPS is a cartoon about six kids who live in a little town called Vernon Hills.