Chapter: Comics
Text of Cartoon
Drip Drip
Cloe: Hold on, I’m coming!
Text of Cartoon
Cloe: That Lady Moon is a sneaky one, Mr. Bobo.
Cloe: It looks like she’s not going anywhere…
Cloe: But turn your back for a minute and she’s halfway across the sky.
Cloe: She’s the kind of guest who leaves the party without saying goodbye!
Text of Cartoon
Sean: Listen to this! “A local chef foraging for mushrooms has gone missing in our forest.”
Sean: The Bigfoot Monster has struck again!
Cooper: But General Sean, there is no evidence of foul play!
Sean: Cooper, how many more fungus hunters have to disappear before you accept we’re at war??
Text of Cartoon
Cooper: Dad’s been playing a lot of polka music on his accordion lately.
Cooper: It started after Mom threw out his beloved taxidermy weasel.
Cooper: I’m not sure if he’s grieving or trying to annoy her.
Cooper: Anyway, that’s why I’ve had “Who Stole the Kishka?” stuck in my head for three days!
Text of Cartoon
Radio: Sometimes when I have a difficult decision to make…
Radio: I visit the Vernon Hills Zoo late at night using my special mayoral key.
Radio: Nothing clears my mind like feeding chicken nuggets to the alligators by moonlight.
Radio: On a related note, Doug from water and sanitation, YOU’RE FIRED!
SPACE POPS is a cartoon about six kids who live in a little town called Vernon Hills.